Every season brings with it a unique set of challenges when it comes to getting the job done on a demolition site. In winter, the problem tends to be one of temperature and exposure—which, not coincidentally, are the same problems that workers face during the peak summer season as well!
Summer has a particularly grueling set of challenges when it comes to demolition and debris removal in Kansas City because there are so many variables that herald in with this active and inviting season. Let’s take a look at five of them that every worker needs to be cognizant of and what you can do to avoid finding yourself the victim if one of these obstacles arises:
- Snake bites and animal attacks: Unlike winter, when everything is in hibernation, summer brings out a wide variety of animals—including snakes. Snakes can appear as if from nowhere on a jobsite and can strike quickly if they feel threatened. If you’re moving debris and end up the victim of a snakebite, it’s important to act quickly and not panic. Make sure there’s a snakebite kit on the jobsite and administer it quickly. If there’s not for some reason, call an ambulance immediately.
- Dehydration and exposure: With the summer sun bearing down on you all day, debris removal in Kansas City can seem like running a marathon in terms of wearing you out. Be sure and drink water all day long to prevent succumbing to heat exhaustion and listen to what your body is telling you. If you feel faint, tell someone and sit down with your head between your knees in a cool, shady place while you sip some water.
- Unforeseen weather: A major thunderstorm or tornado system can roll in at the drop of a hat during peak storm season, which means you could quickly find yourself on a jobsite that’s not safe or secure. Be cognizant of weather reports for the day before heading out to a site and keep a keen eye on the sky throughout the day. If you see things darkening up, feel the wind picking up or notice the humidity skyrocket, consider finding some shelter while you wait for the storm to pass or develop.
- Injury: It’s possible to accidently injure yourself at any time, but during summer accidents are just more prone to occurring. Sweaty hands can cause your grip to slip; blinding sun can cause your vision to become impaired; or dizziness from the heat can throw you off balance—all things that can result in an accident or injury. Stay safe by observing safety precautions and take heed of your situation during the summer months!
- Illness: While illness is certainly rampant during the winter months, it also makes a resurgence during summer as well. Winter might have the common cold and the flu to back it up, but summer has all sorts of ailments—food poisoning from undercooked BBQs, allergies from various sources, recreational water illnesses and heat-related illnesses are all going to bog down your workforce and make debris removal in Kansas City harder.
Summer is a beautiful time of year, but it can also be a dangerous one! Stay cognizant of the above hazards this season to ensure your jobsite remains safe and efficient.