It may seem like we still have an endless winter ahead of us, but spring will be here before you know it, and with it comes construction season. Once the weather warms up, contractors’ schedules fill up quickly because everyone wants to get their projects started as soon as possible and make the most of the short, busy summer season.
At Midland Wrecking Inc., your source for demolition services in Kansas City, we know from experience that our schedule fills up fast and we have to make the most of the time we have. So it’s never too early to start planning (and scheduling) your upcoming demolition or construction project. To help you with the early planning stages of the process, here are a few tips to help you get started.
Get a jumpstart on the paperwork
Permits and applications aren’t just necessary for building projects; they are required for demolition projects as well. To save time later, we highly recommend heading to your local building authorities and the Planning Information Center (PIC). Depending on where and what you are planning to demolish, you may have to complete the following paperwork:
- Removal/demolition application
- Mandatory public hearing
- Neighborhood notification
Working through zoning codes, applications and red tape can take some time. Better to get started early so you are ready to begin your demolition project as soon as the weather permits.
Inspections are typically required and performed by the Department of Building Inspection. You can schedule the inspection early to avoid holdups later and so you can identify any potential problems or challenges ahead of time.
Dismantle and store what you want to save
If not everything on your site is destined for the dumpster, now is a good time to start dismantling, sorting and storing any materials or other objects that you want to save from being demolished. If there are removable structures you want saved, be sure to clearly mark these for your contractor.
Interview demolition contractors
Be sure that you start researching and interviewing potential demolition services in Kansas City early. You not only want to make sure you have enough time to do the proper checking, but you also want to make sure you can get your demolition project scheduled early before contractors’ schedules start to fill up.
Make a plan for the utilities
If electrical, plumbing and any other utility lines are present on your demolition site, you should start planning on what needs to be shut off and who needs to be called to meet regulations and safety guidelines. While some things can be turned off with a simple call, other utilities may require someone coming out and marking utility lines before the demolition project begins.
Don’t wait until spring to start planning your demolition project. Be smart and do what you can now so you can save time later. If you are looking for demolition contractors in Kansas City for your upcoming project, don’t forget to check out Midland Wrecking Inc.